Sunday, August 23, 2020

Strategic Initiative Paper free essay sample

In the present business condition, organizations must take key activities to forestall the misfortunes and defeat the harsh economy we are as of now confronting. Starbucks Corporation (besides, Starbucks) is known as one of the pioneers for the retail deals of broiled and claim to fame espresso. Starbucks is centered around making a nitty gritty vital and monetary arranging that can take the organization to the following level. The point of this paper is to examine Starbuckss endless supply of key and budgetary plans, and its effect on cost and deals and dangers related. Starbucks has a long-standing exertion in thical lead and worldwide duty. One of the significant endeavors is sourcing morally developed espresso. For instance, Starbucks Annual Report for the 2009 states that the Companys center is around morally sourcing excellent espresso, decreasing its natural effects, and contributing emphatically to networks. Starbucks Global Responsibility system and duties are vital to the Companys business technique. We will compose a custom exposition test on Vital Initiative Paper or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page (Starbucks Corporation, 2009, Annual Report). The key arrangement incorporates the Shared Planet activity. Starbucks has initiated plans to make ecological ransformations to the companys strategic policies through the Shared Planet. These progressions incorporate purchasing morally exchanged espresso, which includes ecologically mindful developed espresso and the moral treatment of espresso ranchers. Starbucks works together with Conservation International to guarantee that the organization is meeting buying rules for socially, naturally, and financially capable espresso. Starbucks Shared Planet additionally grasps protection of the cultivators encompassing networks. For instance, Starbucks is focused on making ecologically clean water channel frameworks in the networks cap the espresso is developed. The organization has additionally dedicated to reusing and diminishing waste. Starbucks Initiative Plan expresses that constantly 201 5, the organization will serve 25% of its refreshments in reusable cups and present in-store reusing stations for the non-reusable cups. The organization is given to decreasing vitality use by 25% in every new store and getting half of the pre-owned vitality from sustainable power hotspots for all organization possessed stores before the finish of 2010. Constantly 2012, Starbucks anticipates diminishing water use by 15% broad. Getting LEED confirmation for every single new store internationally will start in late 2010. Such endeavors are honorable and give a strong stage to effective business. In any case, to be monetarily solid, Starbucks must consider money related parts of the previously mentioned activity and expenses related (Starbucks Corporation, 2010, Responsibility). In view of the previously mentioned data in regards to Shared planet one can without much of a stretch establish that this activity is firmly lined up with Starbucks mission: to move and support the human soul one individual, one cup, and each area in turn (Starbucks Corporation, 2010, Our Starbucks Mission Statement). Be that as it may, imperative to note are relationship etween this activity and budgetary arranging of Starbucks. Sourcing morally developed and socially mindful espresso has cost Starbucks $1. 28 for every pound in financial 2005 as Starbucks paid $1. 9 for each pound of espresso on normal in monetary 2008 (Starbucks Corporation, 2008, Global Responsibility Report). Eventually, costs related have expanded expense of deals. For instance, cost of deals including inhabitance costs expanded to 41. 0 percent of all out net incomes for the 13 weeks finished July 2, 2006, contrasted with 40. 6 percent in the relating 13-week time of monetary 2005 (Starbucks Corporation, 2006 , Financial Release). In the equivalent monetary discharge, Starbucks has expressed that the expanded expenses of deals are consequence of expanded expense of green espresso. Likewise in 2008, the expense of deals expanded to 43. 8% from 41. 9% in monetary 2007. Be that as it may, in this specific case the inhabitance costs were extra cost increment edge (Starbucks Corporation, 2008, Investor Relations). The expansion in cost of deals has noteworthy effect on the complete net incomes. Taking a gander at the Starbucks reports the all out net incomes have likewise expanded. For instance the all out net incomes have ascended from (in millions) $7,786. 9, $9,411. 5, to $10,383. 0 in years 006, 2007, and 2008 separately. Lamentably, in year 2009 the absolute income has dropped to $9. 774. 6, conceivably consequence of the worldwide monetary downturn (Starbucks Corporation, 2009, Annual Report). In light of the moderation systems expected to decrease cost of deals, apparently Starbucks is focusing on diminished expense of deals and expanded incomes. As indicated by the Starbucks Annual Report 2008, the organization has 583 million of procurement duties which, along with existing stock, is required to give a satisfactory flexibly of green espresso through schedule 2009 (Starbucks Corporation, 2008, Annual Report). Moreover, nine and five percent of the buy responsibilities from 2008 will be gotten in 2010 and 2011 individually. Critical to note about the previously mentioned is that the buy duties are based of fixed-value contracts where the cost of green espresso has been fixed by either dealer or Starbucks straightforwardly (Starbucks Corporation, 2008, Annual Report). The fixed cost agreements may represent distributed reports, which express that regardless of the rising costs of green espresso Starbucks won't increment offering cost to the customers (Morran, 2010). Such endeavors would set Starbucks separated from its rivals. For instance, J. M. Smucker raised costs a normal of 9% on its Folgers, Dunkin Donuts, Millstone and Folgers Gourmet Selections espressos. Kraft took action accordingly with a climb on the cost of Maxwell House and Yuban brand espresso (Morran, 2010, para 3). This combined with the moral foundation and activity of Shared Planet will guarantee steadfast after and buyer fulfillment. Dangers for any venture or activity are unavoidable. In any case, if the organization can anticipate these dangers they have a superior possibility of taking out the issue before it happens. Starbucks Shared Planet has barely any dangers; as he key arrangement is to turn out to be all the more earth mindful. The hazard is that the organization won't have the option to execute the activity as arranged. In this way, the expense of the crusade and promoting will have negative budgetary effect, if the activity isn't fruitful (Starbucks Corporation, 2009). The Shared Planet is additionally devoted to Material breaks in Starbucks flexibly of the espresso they incline toward can monetarily influence these endeavors (Starbucks Corporation, 2009). Moreover, if the deals are not at a pinnacle and Starbucks can't make a benefit on the greater expense espresso; this will influence ts incomes and liquidity. The Shared Planet activity is additionally actualizing reusable cups (Starbucks Corporation, 2010, Responsibility). Albeit morally stable and a superb showcasing move, this can increment the two expenses of the items and promoting. The hazard related with this is clients may not acknowledge the new item or the cost increment to buy the new item (Starbucks Corporation, 2009). The previously mentioned dangers could bring about diminished deals and expanded expenses. This can seriously affect Starbucks budgetary wellbeing, operability, and lessening onsumer certainty. Many hazard factors are outside the companys control. In any case, if Starbucks envisions the conceivable hazard, creates relief and alternate courses of action, the organization will have a superior possibility at discovering answers for potential issues distinguished in this. By being proactive rather than responsive, Starbucks has put itself in a situation in the market to develop, grow, and exceed expectations with the Shared Planet activity. The Shared Planet has opened the entryway and permitted Starbucks to give a top notch green item at a reasonable market cost to their clients. The creation of excellent green espresso has expanded procurement and product costs. In the course of recent years, the expense of deals for the green espresso has expanded 2. 8%. While this expansion in the expense of merchandise is fairly noteworthy, the premonition and capacity of Starbucks to limit this increment has permitted Starbucks to build their general piece of the overall industry hence expanding their income base by 25. 5% over a similar period. This exertion was a piece of the Starbucks moderation plans and its capacity to make sure about fixed price tag contracts for the item through 2011. These ontracts will decrease the expense of the espresso acquisitions and stock and will additionally expand Starbucks portion of the espresso advertise. Such activities have permitted Starbucks to be separate from its rivals and increment its part in piece of the pie. Besides, this kind of duty, to the two its speculators and customers combined with sound budgetary strategic policies and money related wellbeing have permitted Starbucks to be one of the business heads who has chance to develop throughout the following monetary year and past.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Health Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicinal services - Research Paper Example For the most part, this accepted racial lines intended to underestimate the nonwhites subsequently denying a few professionals opportunity to appreciate the institution’s administrations in the event that they so wished. Fair treatment in many cases adjusts well to the specific legal choices in opposition to the gaze decisis whereby the last attributable to the decisions showed up at before; don't suit any modifications (Mitchell, 2011). This is particularly in events when the court may feel the choices made didn't have suitable avocations, henceforth involve corrections. Due process’ decisions make their inference from the legal contemplations however in specific conditions may incite judges to grade to its requests. I. The Social Security Act (1965)’s enactment prompted the improvement of both the maturing and poor people’s medicinal services through the arrangement of protection (Winston, 1965). This was by means of the production of Medicare other than Medicaid, which respected the increasing of previous arrangements adequacy (Winston, 1965). The confirmation of this Act tried to benefit reasonable medicinal services particularly to the poor after Truman pursued a progression of exceptional discussions intended to build up national protection plan (Loker, 2012). ii. Order of Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (1986) that empowered individuals to get prompt clinical consideration without the specialists considering an individual’s capacity to cook for the administrations (Kochakian, 2012). It likewise involved clinical focuses to deal with patients to the degree one on discharge has recovered completely, and can settle on educated choices (Cassanego, 2010). The legislature in passing this demonstration planned for profiting social insurance administrations to the general population without first inquisitive any compensation particularly during times of calamities (Cassanego, 2010). iii. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003) sanction made sponsored apportioning of medications particularly to the maturing (Larsen and Lubkin, 2009). Since,

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

MLK and Malcolm X Comparison - Free Essay Example

Both Martin luther king and Malcolm X were two prominent civil rights leaders in the fight for the betterment of black peoples lives although they are both agreed on achieving civil rights for the black community and agreed that the treatment of black people by white people was unjust their philosophy and how to achieve justice was different. Martin luther king and Malcolm X had very different views on the interaction of black and white people. Martin Luther preached for black people to have the same rights and freedoms as white people and coexist with whites and was even open to having white people join in on the protest for equality. Must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers , as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. (MLK, p3) Where was Malcolm X believed in Black nationalism and was and was really negative towards white people and politicians. Even Though you can vote they fix it so youre voting for nobody. Because either dog you chose I guarantee you youll still be in the dog house. (Malcolm X, p8) By the dog, he means the political parties, no matter who the black community votes fore they all are against them. The dixiecrats in the south being obviously against them, and the democrats in the north pretending to be for them. The negro revolt is controlled by the white man. and all of the demonstrations to desegregate are just artificial fires that have been ignited and fanned by the white liberals in desperate hope that they can use this artificial revolution to fight off the real black revolution (Malcolm X , p17). There are efforts to desegregate public places, have white people realize that black people are no different from them and they should have the same rights. And Malcolm is just calling it trick to get black people to vote. And that also raises the point that he seems to be against black and whites integrating into society as one people. Martin Luther king and Malcolm x had divergent views about how the the to best achieve black rights. King believed that non violence is the answer. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force (MLK, p2) Because you can only achieve peace with peace, and violence breeds violence. Non violence is effective because there is nothing the other side can do, they are not breaking any laws that could them trowen in jail, they are just peacefully protesting tring the to get the word out about racial inequality and at the same time showing that they are just peaceful and respectful people that belong in the soci ety. Malcolm on the other hand believes in violence brought down by god. Revolutions are never peaceful, never loving, never nonviolent. Nor are they ever compromising. Revolutions are destructive and bloody. (Malcolm X, p 17). He claims that god controls the black revolution to violently get rid of the power of the white oppressors. They both of these civil rights leaders agree on strengthening the black economy Malcolm X states: The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism only means that we should own and operate and control the economy of our community.(p2). He blames black people for their poverty and terrible housing, by supporting the white mans economy rather than the back economy, he advocates that blacks setup storers and business and blacks to shop at those businesses. So that the money stays in the black community, rather than in the white comuti and making the white man richer. Businesses set up by the black community would also give black people jobs. King preaches: we just need to go around to these stores, and to these massive industries in our country, and say, weve come by here to ask you to make the first item on your agenda fair treatment, Now, if you are not prepared to do that, we [must withdraw] economic support from you. (p8). If these companies dont follow the wishes of the blacks for fair treatment they are hurting themselves by losing customers and therefore profit. And black are going to spend their money black businesses instead. Both of them also base their beliefs on religion. Martin Luther who is a christian preaches but god has commanded us to be concerned about the slums down here, and his children who cant eat three square meals a day (p8) I just want to do gods will (p11). Martin Luther king and Malcolm X brought fought for civil rights for the black community. Some of their ideas were similar such the idea of building strong black economy and both of their beliefs came from religion. How ever they also disagreed on other ideas such as Martin luthers idea of unity of white and black community and non violence vs. Malcolm Xs black nationalism and violent approach. Yet in the end together they achieved the a monumental and glorious agenda of civil rights for blacks. And therefore deserve recognit ion of going down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation (MLK,p2)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Industrial Revolution Had A Great And Long Term Effect...

The Industrial Revolution had a great, and long-term effect on our world. We the people have profited from it in numerous ways. The Industrial revolution has formed the way we live today in countless more ways than you can envision, yet it occurred so long ago. The revolution started in the United Kingdom, then binged throughout Western Europe, North America and ultimately the rest of the world. The Industrial revolution has also impacted the way us creatures live and act. Even if we don t recall the event it has assuredly wedged us in many ways like in our cultures and in our self being. Before the Industrial Revolution started we were alive in a time where possessions were hand made. Where we required to pick the resources to make things ourselves. The individuals of that era existed in small settlements where agriculture was very shared and general. It was the basis for money and also the basis for food. People completed and sold things that were grown or made, gradually and prude ntly. All was well, but there was also a want for upgrading to make life easier. We desired cooler ways to carry materials, and we also had a want for inexpensive and quicker production. This is why we were in necessity of development in the industrial industry. Before the creation of the steam engine, people used the power was provided by animals, wind and water to farm, mill flour and transportation of goods and people from residence to residence. But none of these bases of energy were asShow MoreRelatedThe Biological Old Regime Occurred Between The 15th And 18th Centuries1497 Words   |  6 Pagesbe supported by agriculture. A shift in society occurred during the 19th century. This marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Although things became easier, it also negatively affected the ecosystem. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The American Travesty The History And Evidence Behind...

The American Travesty: The History and Evidence behind the Veil of Racism John Locke, a social contract theorist, says that mankind is equal and independent and â€Å"no one ought to harm another of his life, health, liberty or possessions.† When humans enter into a society and form a contract, which leads to government, Locke holds that it is the job of the government to take on the responsibility of protecting the life, liberty and property of its inhabitants; however, the US government failed to protect these rights for Black Americans affected by slavery. Adam Smith, an economist and political theorist, believed that the government should defend and be proprietors of justice. The American government’s purpose, for Smith and Locke, is to promote justice through flourishing ; specifically economic flourishing for Smith. Sadly, history reveals that this was not the circumstance. During the 1700’s, America was one of several countries to embrace chattel slavery. Though slavery is no longer legal in the US, its effects have still ripp led the waters of history. Today America stands on trial. It is guilty of failing to fulfill its role as a government by promoting flourishing. Slavery and segregation in the United States have impeded the economic flourishing amongst Black American communities. History and literature will serve as evidence of this crime in exploring the impact of slavery and segregation in education, familial structure and economics. Before this case is explored, a

Spinoza free essay sample

# 8217 ; s Ethical motives, Part I Proposition 33 Essay, Research Paper Baruch Spinoza believes the kernel of God includes God # 8217 ; s being and discusses the causality of God through his ontological work, Ethical motives. In Ethical motives, Spinoza is seeking a method of truth through the perfect being. The kernel of what that perfect being expresses, utilizing this method of truth, is God ( i.e. the perfect being ) . In this essay I am traveling to give a elaborate history of Part I, Proposition 33 of Spinoza # 8217 ; s book Ethical motives. Part I, Proposition 33 of Ethical motives provinces that # 8220 ; things could non hold been produced by any other manner or in any other order than is the case. # 8221 ; This means that whatever does be could non be in any other manner or in any other mode so it already exists. It surely follows so, harmonizing to Spinoza that this proposition 33 follows from Proposition 16 and 29. Proposition 16 provinces that, # 8221 ; From the necessity of the godly nature there must follow infinite things in infinite ways [ modis ] , ( that is, everything that can come within the range of infinite mind ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Spinoza or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page # 8221 ; Proposition 29 provinces that, # 8220 ; Nothing in nature is contingent, but all things are from the necessity of the godly nature determined to be and to move in a definite way. # 8221 ; Harmonizing to Spinoza, this provides cogent evidence that all things have needfully followed from the nature of God ( Proposition 16 ) and have been determined to be and to move in a definite manner from the necessity of that nature ( Proposition 29 ) . For illustration this means that I smoke coffin nails from the necessity of God # 8217 ; s will, and moreover coffin nails, a cancer-causing agent, exist from God # 8217 ; s will. I will now speak about Spinoza # 8217 ; s farther conditions of Proposition 33. In Note 1, Spinoza is developing that there can non be a eventuality or possibility of a thing bing because it either needfully exists or is impossible for it to be. Spinoza believes that everything has a cause. If it has no cause it contributes to the theory of uncertainty doing a thing contingent. This deficiency of knowing, which makes a thing contingent is a contradiction, and since all that we know is or isn # 8217 ; T in existe nce. This means that there can non be any eventuality of or about anything. For illustration, this means that it is possible for me to smoke without a ground. Spinoza responds to this unfavorable judgment that our thought of eventuality is made up of our deficiency of cognition or more blatantly our ain ignorance about the being of that thing ( i.e. we do non cognize the cause ) . In Note 2, Spinoza reiterates from his cogent evidence that a thing can non be anything different so that which it is. Spinoza is careful to show that a thing is either perfect or imperfect, and they are merely the manner they are needfully. It follows from that, if a thing was different from what it is already, God # 8217 ; s will would hold made that thing the manner it is and no other manner needfully. Spinoza responds to G.W. Leibniz # 8217 ; s thought of the best of all possible universes. Spinoza points out that there is an absurdness in Leibniz # 8217 ; s thought. Spinoza could state, How is it possible for God to make the best of all possible universes when God is the Universe? If God could hold created multiple universes it would intend that at that place would hold been two or more Supreme beings in being. Obviously it could non be possible for there to be two or more Supreme beings since God is the Universe. Hence there are non two or more Supreme beings in being and a thing can be no different so what that thing already is in its entireness. Furthermore, God # 8217 ; s will and essence cause a thing and that makes the thing true to God. Furthermore, if a thing is a perfect or imperfect ( good or bad ) thing it is that manner already and no idea to what could hold been will do any difference. It is what it is. In decision, I have explained Proposition 33 and Note 1 and 2 of Part I of Spinoza # 8217 ; s Ethical motives. This essay shows that God created everything and that everything is the manner it is because of the nature of God to will it. Furthermore, God is everything and all causes follow from God. Spinoza, Baruch Part I Proposition 33 of Ethical motives. Cited in Modern Philosophy: Anthology of Primary Beginnings. Edited by: Ariew, Roger and Watkins, Eric. Hackett ( Indianapolis/Cambridge 1998 ) . Pg. 143. Ariew and Watkins. Pg. 137. Ariew and Watkins. Pg. 141.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wall Street The business ethics in the movie Essay Example For Students

Wall Street: The business ethics in the movie Essay Wall Street The movie Wall Street is a representation of poor morals and dissapointing business ethics in the popular world of business. This movie shows the negative effects that bad business morals can have on society. The two main characters are Bud Fox played by Charlie Sheen and Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas. Bud Fox is a young stockbroker who comes from an honest working-class family but on the other hand, Gordon Gekko is a millionaire who Bud admires and wants to be associated with. Greed seems to be a huge theme of this movie. We will write a custom essay on Wall Street: The business ethics in the movie specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This movie portrays the unethical society we live in. It shows how money oriented society has become and that people will do almost anything to get ahead. Competitiveness has become such a widespread game all over the country, especially in big cities. At the start of Wall Street, Bud Fox is young and insecure about the business world. Bud is a broker seeking new clients and offering second-hand advice regarding the buying and selling of stock. Bud was faced with a choice that would change his life. He was so sure he wanted to be involved with Gordon Gekko that he was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of his immoral scheme. It only took about five minutes for Bud to agree to give insider information about stocks to Gekko in order to become more lucrative and manipulative at the same time. Bud wants to sell him stocks, and hopefully one day be like he is. Bud is obviously desperate to do business with Gekko and he passes on some inside information about the airline company that his father works for. Gekko saw this as an opportunity to gain money from inside information and took Bud under his wing. As the relationship between the two develops Bud becomes aware of the corruptness and ruthlessness of the industry in which he works. He learns that using inside information can raise or lower the price of stocks. Bud obviously made this choice to climb the economic ladder no matter what it took. He wanted to become hugely successful just as Gekko was. There were pros and cons that had to do with the decision making. Money was the main goal of these lucrative schemes, but on the other hand, these men risked their jobs and the chance of possibly going to jail in order to be immorally and dishonestly successful. Initially Bud looked up to Gekko in an almost pathetic way, trying to do anything and everything to get himself into the right position. This movie also shows how people seem to just want things for themselves and not the community. They dont care if they use others in order to get what they want. Theres no sense of general responsibility for the public or the clients and they just want to make sure they make money, selfishly and illegally. In this situation I might be just how Bud was initially; intrigued and interested in making money. I might succumb to the pressure f making money and being successful, but in the long run I would also be just like Bud in realizing that a man isnt measured by the size of his wallet (Wall Street). I understand how hard it could be not to get sucked in to so much money so fast. But in the same sense, I do realize how immoral, unethical, and most of all how much of a risk being involved like this is. In this film, it starts off showing that individual is paramount because it shows that stock brokers only care about themselves and money and not the community. They seem to be extremely greedy and willing to stab anybody in the back to help themselves. Most of the movie shows that the individual is paramount. The only character who shows the community is paramount is Buds Father. He tries to show Bud on numerous occasions how much honest work and family is important. .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .postImageUrl , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:hover , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:visited , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:active { border:0!important; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:active , .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u26c4d072669270bb03bbafa170759cef:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Catcher In The Rye And Dead Poets Society Essay Also, his father was the epitome of a moral and ethical character in the film. Since there was basically only one prominent sensible and moral .